La Gloria Cubana, founded in 1885, is a little known jewel amongst Habano brands, nevertheless it enjoys a long history, its name alone clearly defines its origin.
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In order of appearance in this catalog :
NOM - NAME | TAILLE (indiquée dans le catalogue*) - SIZE (listed in catalog*) | CORRESPONDANCE APPROXIMATIVE - APPROXIMATE CORRESPONDENCE |
SABROSOS | 154x17,06mm (43) | Long Corona // Cristales |
CETROS | 162x17,06mm (43) | Lonsdale |
TAPADOS | 138x16,66mm (42) | Corona |
FLECHAS | 156x14,68mm (37) | Perfecto |
GLORIAS | 162x18,25mm (46) | Lonsdale |
TURQUITOS | 125x17,85mm (45) | Petit Corona (MM) |
PINARES | 139x17,06mm (43) | Corona (MM) |
MINUTOS | 106x16,27mm (41) | Petit corona |
TAINOS | 178x19,04mm (48) | Churchill |
TRIUNFOS | 132x17,46mm (44) | Corona (MM) |
* : Please note few differences from the Min Ron Nee(MM) : Machine Made
( ) : Approx cepo.
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